Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Seronok ye sesiapa yang sekarang ni da ade kat umah, merasa lauk raye da,sedang kan aku masih di sini( serdang) malah tiket esok pun pukul 2 petang. mesti bile sampai rumah orang sume dah nak abis raye da. barang aku rumah belum kemas lagi. ish..ish..ish sedeh ye. rumah da sunyi...roomate aku pun da balek suasana pu jadi tak seronok da. lepas abis pekse je tadi ramai da mak ayah yang da tunggu kat depan blok nak jemput anak-anak dieorang blek umah...tapi rumah aku jauh tak kan la nak suroh mak ayah jemput malam ni jugak. sekarang aku baru rasa perasaan orang- orang yang tak boleh balek raya....rumah sekarang sume da ade...ai aku sorang je yang masih belum balek...hahahahaha...lawak giler macam da duduk dekat luar negara je....padahal KL je pun bukan jauh mana....ai mira tunggu pe lagi gi lah kemas barang...kate nak balek sangat....yang hang tercegat kat depan komputer bwat pe lagi....bukan ye boleh balek raye pun gune internet ni...okey lah dah tak tau pe nak tulis lagi....
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Yesterday, i watch 1 movie that really touching my heart...it name HACHIKO. it not a story about food or romance or triller or ghost story that is sometimes ridicules to me but it about one special and unique DOG . actually my friend suggest us to watch THE DEAD PLACE but u know i'm not too brave girl..so, i'm choose to watch movie alone at the same time them. the girl at the ticket counter say it only 2 movie at the same time wit the movie that my friend watch which is 'skyline' and 'hachiko'....hehehe...i'm do no why i choose it, my friend also laugh at me ' what u want to watch a movie about dog??' but it fine i'm really satisfied wit it, and never once regret about it...
it was a sad story actually, about a very faithful dog to his owner, it wait it owner till it dead which is about 9 year...amazing right...it real story actually it happens in Japan long time ago...there is one statues of Hachiko at shibuya station in japan...
it was a sad story actually, about a very faithful dog to his owner, it wait it owner till it dead which is about 9 year...amazing right...it real story actually it happens in Japan long time ago...there is one statues of Hachiko at shibuya station in japan...
picture 1: real hachiko |
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picture 2 : hachi movie poster |
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picture 2 : hachiko statues to know more about hachiko you can search at this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachik%C5%8D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachiko:_A_Dog%27s_Story when watch story about animal sometimes it make me think that animal is more faithful than human what do think?? |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hari ni de la sorang mahluk ni ish..ish... x patut btul, selambe je nk kutuk2 orang lain.....memang la die x kutuk aq tapi die kutuk orang lain....tapi die tak rase ke kalau la tuan punye badan yang dengar mesti kecik hati die orang kan. aku de la baca dalam satu buku ni ' how to win friend and influence people' Dale kate salah satu cara untuk buat orang suke kat kite ialah jangan sekali-kali mengkritik.....
kita ni hidup bermasyarakat sedar2 la sket, sekarang mungkin kita diatas tapi mana tau kalau kita susah suatu hari nanti kat siape kte nak mintak tolong.....ingat ni kawan waktu senang memang senang nk cari, tp klu waktu susah payah sekali....fikir2 kan lah.....
kita ni hidup bermasyarakat sedar2 la sket, sekarang mungkin kita diatas tapi mana tau kalau kita susah suatu hari nanti kat siape kte nak mintak tolong.....ingat ni kawan waktu senang memang senang nk cari, tp klu waktu susah payah sekali....fikir2 kan lah.....
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